Yirah School House

Where Curious Minds Are Empowered
Our Learning Design
At Yirah School House we aim to integrate the advantages of project-based learning and 21st century technology into a traditional one-room schoolhouse style of learning. This looks like communities of multi-aged learners that collaborate with each other, mentorships with other learners that hold them accountable to their goals, projects that inspire creativity, simulations that demand ingenuity, and individualized learning programs using cutting edge adaptive learning software to meet students where they are at and focus on mastery learning.

Self-Driven Learning
Our goal is to inspire young people to challenge themselves and retain their educational curiosity. By supporting learners to set their own learning goals and take responsibility for their own education, they learn to unlock their true potential.
Project Based Learning
We know learners excel when they are able to tackle new information using collaborative, hands-on methods. Project Based Learning lets learners find creative ways to solve real problems and acquire new skills to implement solutions.
Mastery Learning
Yirah's learners learn at the speed that suits them, so they can advance fast in what comes easier to them and spend more time on what they need more practice to master. This way, each learner always faces work that is stimulating and challenging.

"Education means the ability to think independently and creatively, and development of the skill of applying one's knowledge in dealing with people and situation in the real world."